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Monday, February 1, 2016

Standard Budget Deck

Been playing some standard on the cheap (under $60) at FNMs lately.  Went 3-1 in the last two standard events I played so it's not bad.  The meta at the store is pretty casual so not a lot of $$$ deck or competitive running around.  As a matter of fact it's a lot nicer to only play once a week, opposed to at least three a week I was doing two years ago.  You arn't living nose to the grindstone on the bleeding edge of tech and meta cards, panicking over having 3 copies of x and 1 copy of y, or running 2 of each.  It's a different angle on the game, but I'll be the first to admit, I loved the thrill of it, sitting down with your opponent and just going 100% for the throat.

Anyways, here is the ramp deck list I'm playing.  Its cut and paste from mtggoldfish.com
They have a lot of good meta game information.

3Embodiment of Springu
4Rattleclaw Mystic

1Quarantine Fieldxxww
1Monastery Siege2u
4Explosive Vegetation3g
4Hedron Archive4
4Planar Outburst3ww
4Nissa's Renewal5g
4Part the Waterveil4uu
3Dig Through Time6uu
4Temporal Trespass

4Blighted Woodland
3Lumbering Falls
3Feed the Clan1g
3Stasis Snare1ww
2Gaea's Revenge

I loved the holiday cube, I have videos of my games on YouTube

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