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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Simic Card Reviews

     This week I will be reviewing most of the Simic cards.

     First card on the list is the Adaptive Snapjaw, four colorless and one forest and is 6/2 with evolve and with that low toughness you could easily play your two Cracken Hatchling and have a 8/4 Lizard Beast on the battle field. You have to be careful when playing him because your opponent will know he can get powerful quickly and cast instants on him. But it's nice to see big creatures in the Simic Deck


 Cloudfin Raptor is one of my favorite cards because he is extremely easy to evolve and he's flying first turn, I'd think this card would be popular in blue agro decks because most flying creatures take three turns to cast.

Corcanura is a decent evolving card, easy to level up again and will make a nice 3/6 defender in a few turns, and with reach you control the air more as well.

Drakewing Krasis is 3/1 flying and trample costing a colorless  an island and a forest. Not a very good card on it's own but with 3 power it hopefully can trigger evolve on your other creatures.

Elusive Krasis is a good card for defending and once evolved can start slipping in some damage. Overall an okay card.

Fathom Mage's main ability is simple drawing a single extra card when she is evolved. Alone is not bad but if you have the Zameck Guildmage on the battle field, every time you play a creature you could pump six mana into the guildmage and draw four extra cards one turn.

Frilled Oculus can be 3/3 by turn three which is good in an aggro deck or he could sit at 1/3 and defend early attacks.

Merfolk of the Depths and first thing I notice is the mana cost, 4 colorless and two blue/green mana required to cast and he is 4/2 and flash. Based on the mana cost I personally wouldn't play it and would expect most people to pass, yea you can flash four damage in but at two health, it can die pretty easily.

Zameck Guildmage is arguably one of the best guildmages simply because it's abilities are reasonably priced mana wise. Also he is good because he can doubble the evolve effect and take advantage or the ability by being able to draw more cards to evolve more. Can be a great support for a Simic deck.

Hope this helps you pick which Simic cards are worth keeping and which are worth trading. See you next post!

Credit to Wizards of the Coast LLC for the images. Images were found at http://www.wizards.com/magic/tcg/productarticle.aspx?x=mtg/tcg/gatecrash/intropacks#deck5

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